
Mission Administrator

Brother Winston Scott has served as the Administrator for Jamaica Christian Mission since 1990. In this capacity he makes regular visits to the U.S. to speak at congregations, and to attend the North American Christian Convention, Florida Christian Convention, and the National Missionary Convention. He is in charge of all aspects of the mission, and oversees the other staff. As well, he serves as the preacher for the Braeton Church of Christ.



Mission Staff

Brother Ronnie Craig works with the Jamaica Bible Seminary.




Brother Lester Thompson heads all maintenance work, and assists with the accounting, and has been involved with the mission since 1981. He also works with the Macca Tree Church of Christ.




Brother Deryck William began his service to the mission in 1983. His main area of responsibility is accounting. He also serves as the preacher for the Lluidesvale Church of Christ.



Brother Tilden (Jerry) Falconer preaches at the Old Harbour Church of Christ.

Brother Robert Kennedy preaches at the Scotts Pass Church of Christ.

Brother Lidge Faulcnor preaches at the Ashley Church of Christ.

Sister Janice Mercy has been with the mission since 1992 as the Head Cook. She is in charge of this area for the mission, mission teams, summer camp and other programs.